St Elizabeth’s Catholic Primary School

For Girls and Boys | Pre‑kindergarten to Year 6 | Outside School Hours Care

Hocking | Western Australia

Welcome to our school

Rebecca Clarke | Principal

With an emphasis on fun-filled learning and growing together as a community, St Elizabeth’s provides a values-focused Catholic education.

We are a primary school for girls and boys, offering classes from three-year-old Pre-Kindy through to Year 6, with one class in each year group, and two classes in Kindergarten. We also provide outside school hours care.

Our newly built classrooms and facilities provide excellent learning spaces, while the surrounding native bushland offers natural play areas where children connect with nature and each other.

Our school is growing. If you are interested in joining St Elizabeth’s, please get in touch – we would love to hear from you.

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Holy Rosary School street view

Interested in joining our school community?

Now accepting applications for Pre-Kindy 2025 and Kindy 2025 & 2026

Ask us about places in other years - we welcome new families!

Apply now →

Fun-Filled Learning

At St Elizabeth’s we believe that a fun and enjoyable learning environment increases children’s attention and focus; motivates them to try their best; and inspires them to learn more.

What we offer

Our caring teachers, supportive community and beautiful bushland surroundings create a connected and happy school environment where children can learn and grow.

Learning through fun

Our caring teachers place emphasis on fun and engaging teaching that attracts children’s attention, interest and curiosity.

Natural bushland play

Children connect with the natural environment as they play and explore the native bushland that is part of our campus, nurturing both their physical and emotional wellbeing.

Strong community

Our community warmly welcomes and includes new families. We share our strengths and talents so that we may all grow as people, as a school and as a community.

Spirit of the school

Together we grow

We welcome both Catholic and non-Catholic families who share our values. The spirit of St Elizabeth’s is embodied by our motto “Together we grow.” By working together, respecting each other and being kind, we can all flourish.

Children receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation through our parish, St Anthony’s Catholic Church, Wanneroo.

Come and meet us

We would love to show you around!

Together we grow

Our sense of community and fun-filled learning provides a happy and engaging learning environment, where children can grow and flourish together.